Shankara Chai

'Shankara Chai' is a premium tea, marking the launch of Team Shankara, a group of young entrepreneurs, who eventually hope to market a wide range of consumer products in the near future. The immediate aim of the Team is to bring to your table a select brew at a very reasonable price point, which will perk you up the first thing in the morning and across several 'tea breaks' over the course of the day.

Shankara Chai is sourced from top quality tea leaves grown across select tea estates in Assam. A prominent feature of this tea is its strength, which distinguishes it from other brands in the market. Add to this its unique flavour and aroma.

How you go about rustling your brew is entirely your decision, but whatever method you follow while using Shankara, it will make for complete satisfaction. The polyphenols and flavonoids in it will give you an instant antioxidant shot.

Shankara comes in an offering of two packs-250 and 500 grams.

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